This Week's Theme:

This Week's Theme: Inhumans

by Jorge Corona

Monday, January 23, 2012

Metal Montage!!!

Let me start this post by telling you that I know JACK SQUAT about this game. I know it's probably amazing, and so forth, but still I know nothing. Soooo, as a consequence I had to do actual RESEARCH to make this piece happen. I mean c'mon there's like a zillion versions of this thing. Oh well I think I at least got three characters form the same version? I hope? Anyway, enjoy, -dove ps. there are process pics on the ol blog CLICK.


  1. man those colors so perfectly capture the old nintendo box covers for the game very cool

    1. Thanks! Really? Well that's a happy accident. I didn't even think to look at the box art.

  2. Man I love the textures you're putting into all these, it does make me think of the box art, it always had that gritty painted feel to them. Well done dude!

  3. and btw, i totally had the hots for that red head in this game.

  4. Thanks Robert! Looking forward to seeing you at Megacon.

  5. Great work Dove. It does scream retro box art of the game. Very cool montage!

    1. Thanks Jorge. Maybe I can go into box art. I bet those guys get paid killer.
